Argyle Fox
Written & Illustrated by Marie Letourneau
Ages 4-7
It's a blustery spring day. Argyle Fox wants to play cards outside. “You can't play cards in the wind, Argyle,” Mama gently reminds him. Argyle ignores her, and the wind scatters his cardhouse throughout the forest. He decides to play soccer, but again the wind ruins his fun. Over and over, the wind just won't cooperate. "No fair!" Argyle cries. In a huff, he collects his things and goes home. There must be something he can play in the wind. Will Argyle figure it out?

Undaunted by the fierce spring winds, one determined woodland lad sets out to enjoy the day, in Marie Letourneau’s Argyle Fox, a lighthearted tale of tenacity, creative thinking, and the power of a woodland gale. Argyle Fox, sporting his signature diamond-patterned scarf, learns through trial and error, along with a lot of encouragement and some sound advice from his mom, that a little ingenuity can go a long way, especially on a blustery afternoon.
~Foreword Reviews - March/April 2017

Tanglewood opens its heart with How to Change the World in 12 Easy Steps by Peggy Porter Tierney, illus. by Marie Letourneau, offering simple ways to make a real difference in the world, inspired by Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor’s message of love and forgiveness.
Starred Reviews from
Kirkus Reviews & School Library Journal!
Named one of the Best New Titles
by School Library Journal!

ForeWord Magazine's
Book of the Year
2006 Bronze Medal Winner

The Mice of Bistrot des Sept Freres
Ages 4-8
Before Ratatouille, there was The Mice of Bistrot des Sept Freres!
Chef Marcel owns a fancy bistro in Paris. It is time for the annual cheese soup competition, but Chef Marcel is out of his special, secret ingredient! Working along side him are his seven fumbling, bumbling sons, and one very quiet daughter, Petite Michelle. Will his sons be able to whip up a batch of the soup before the judge arrives? If not, then who will save the day?
The Tiptoe Guide to Tracking Mermaids
by Ammi Joan Paquette
Illustrations by Marie Letourneau
Ages 3-8
On hot summer days, the beaches are packed with all kinds of people swimming, splashing, or lying in the sun. But there are other days—magical ones—when the beach is empty. Whoosh! The wind tosses up the sand in curling eddies. Kazoom! The waves cymbal-crash against the shore. Yes! Days like these are just right for finding mermaids.

Is A Worry Worrying You?
by Ferida Wolff & Harriet May Savitz
Illustrations by Marie Letourneau
Ages 4-8
Did you ever have a worry that won't go away? What is a worry anyway? A humorous and practical guide for children to get rid of worries. (And it has a big blue worry monster!)